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HomeRegistration tips
Registering for one of our events? Here are some tips to make sure you get through the process.

If you are a Patron or Supporting Member
Remember, you can only register one member at a time. 

You must log onto the website to receive your proper discounts. Once you are logged on, navigate to the event page and choose "Register Now" Make sure you enter all the required info and then you will be able to make any payment due by using Paypal. 

If you don't know what your logon is, just go to the new Home page at

In the top right corner, click on "Member Login" and select "Forgot My Username/password." Follow that process and you should be able to get logged in.

If you are bringing any guests who are not Patron or Supporting Members, you may be able to include them when you register yourself. However, if you are having any trouble with that, you need to log out and go through the registration process described in the following paragraphs to pay for them. Each additional person must be entered, whether a Patron or Supporting Member or not.

If you are not a Patron or Supporting Member

Do not try to log on.
Just go to the 
above URL and navigate to the event page. Select the "Register Now" button and then choose the type of membership you want to purchase (ex. Adult, 1-day, etc.)

Ignore the prompt to log in and/or recover your username and password. Also ignore the question:
Are you a member of Games Club of Maryland?

and just keep going. 

If you have been to EuroQuest or Game Days since 2020, we should already have you in our system. When you see the question "Have you previously registered for an event or are you on our mailing list?" click the link and you can try to look yourself up. If that doesn't work, then just keep going and you will be asked to enter your name, email address, etc. 

Only the three red dot fields (first name, last name and email) are required.

Either way, you will be guided through the process to register and pay the appropriate fee via PayPal. If you are bringing additional guests who are not members, you may be able to include them when you register yourself. However, if you are having any trouble with that, just go through the registration process again for each person. 

Keep in mind this is still very much a work in progress, so we are interested in receiving feedback (positive or negative) from those using the system for the first time. Anyone with any suggestions, comments, questions or technical issues should address these to Marcy Morelli