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HomeEllicott City (Limited)

Ellicott City (Limited)

Host:  John Weber

Contact Info

Contact John for information on upcoming sessions

There is no set schedule. Sessions are held on an irregular basis, usually on a Saturday but occasionally on a Sunday, and at times designed to limit conflicts with other gaming events. Attendees and those requesting it will be put on a mailing list to be notified in advance of future sessions. Once you are on the mailing list, invitations generally go out about a week prior to the session. Session dates and times will be posted on the website a week as they are scheduled (usually a week to 10 days in advance).

Limited Location: 

Limited locations typically have less space for players and sometimes meet less frequently. Since space is at a premium, you must call or email the host in order to be sure there is room for you. Some limited locations have a set of small set of favorite games that they play. 

Favorite / Recent games:

I have a large inventory of games, and to keep the list current would be extremely burdensome. If there is a title you are interested in, just ask. Usually one or several new releases will be featured, occasionally an old favorite, but attendees are free to play whatever game(s) strike their fancy.

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