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HomeCode of Conduct
Below is the Games Club of Maryland Code of Conduct. All persons attending GCOM events are expected to abide by these guidelines. Any unacceptable actions will trigger a response from GCOM, ranging from a reprimand, to expulsion from the Event and future events, to involvement of the civil authorities.

Please read the Code of Conduct and abide by it at all GCOM events.

Games Club of Maryland Code of Conduct  (Effective as of 4/1/23)

We affirmatively welcome individuals regardless of age, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, level of education, citizenship, color, caste, disability status, family status (including marital status), national origin, physical appearance, socioeconomic status, and/or veteran status.

We expect everyone to behave responsibly at all GCOM sponsored events, including all Hosted periodic gaming sessions, conventions, and other gatherings. Participants in our social media and/or digital platforms are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is courteous and respectful of the other people present.

Any action or behavior that is illegal, causes interference with event operations, causes excessive discomfort to other attendees, or adversely affects GCOM's relationship with its guests, members, venue, or the public, is strictly forbidden and may result in revocation of membership privileges, exclusion from future events, or referral to local authorities.

Gamers and tournament participants are expected to exhibit good sportsmanship and to abide by the rules of the game, including any additional tournament rules provided by the gamemaster. Failure to do so may result in disqualification from games or tournaments. More serious infractions or repeat infractions will result in further penalties, up to and including being banned from future events.

By participating in a GCOM event, all individuals are required to abide by GCOM policies, including this Code of Conduct, venue policies, and all municipal, state, and federal laws.

"Yes" means yes, "NO" means NO, and “maybe some other time” also means NO. Please take no for an answer, for everything from simple social requests to intimate encounters. Never make requests that someone may consider rude or suggestive. If you are taking photos, you should ask for permission from your subject(s) and you must respect someone’s "no" if they tell you not to take their picture.

If anyone engages in behavior contrary to this Code of Conduct, the GCOM Board, Host, or Event Staff may warn the offender, remove the offender from the immediate area, or expel the offender from the event with no refund.

If you do not feel comfortable talking with the persons involved or if talking to them does not resolve the issue, please report the situation immediately to a GCOM Board Member, Host, or Staff member. Try to provide a name, badge name, badge number, and/or physical description of the persons involved.

In order to take action, we need to know about any incidents immediately, during the event, or immediately after it.

This Code of Conduct is a work in progress. We have incorporated suggestions, and adopted language from several organizations and the Geek Feminism wiki. We thank them for their help, and offer our language to anyone who wants to adapt it to their needs. No attribution is necessary.