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HomeBoard of Directors
GCOM is run by Board of Directors who are elected to two year terms.

To be eligible to serve on the Board, a member must be a current Supporting or Patron Member in good standing, must be elected or appointed according to our election procedures, and must agree to pay Supporting or Patron Membership dues in advance for the entire term of office.

GCOM 2023-2024 Board of Directors

  • President - John Weber
  • Vice-President - Bob Oliver
  • Secretary - Eric Haas  (GCOM Membership)
  • Treasurer - Jeff Thornsen
  • Director-at-Large - Legend Dan Hoffman
  • Director-at-Large - Marcy Morelli
  • Director-at-Large - Ann Rudolph
  • Director-at-Large - Phil Starcovic
  • Director-at-Large - Chris Wildes

To contact the Board please email 

Current roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors

The President shall:
  1. preside at all business meetings of the Board of Directors,
  2. recommend appointment of chairpersons and committees,
  3. represent GCOM in matters of importance to GCOM,
  4. authorize special expenditures of GCOM for operation of GCOM and in keeping with the resolutions of the Board of Directors and its budget, and
  5. prepare agendas and communicate with the members of the Board.
Proposed additional suggestions:
  • Responsible for day-to-day club operations.
  • Responsible for facilitating and communicating events and services offered by the club, to members and to other interested parties.
  • Responsible for a majority of content that appears on the GCOM website.
  • Responsible for GCOM products, flyers, advertising, and event supplies.
Vice President
The Vice President shall:
  1. serve as acting President, Secretary and Treasurer to the maximum extent possible when any of those officers are temporarily unable to serve,
  2. assist the President in any presidential duty as requested by the President,
  3. automatically assume the office of President in the event that office is vacated.
Proposed additional suggestions:
  • assist with day-to-day club operations.
  • assist with facilitating and communicating events and services offered by the club, to members and to other interested parties.
  • assist with content on the GCOM website.
The Secretary shall:
  1. keep a record of all GCOM meetings and other Board activities, and facilitate communications with members,
  2. prepare a ballot to be provided to the membership in accordance with the stipulations in Article VI (Elections),
  3. record duly enacted changes to these by-laws.
  4. provide each Board member with a copy of the minutes of each meeting,
  5. provide each GCOM member with a current copy of GCOM's by-laws upon request, and
  6. maintain membership records.
Proposed additional suggestions:
  • responsible for posting meeting minutes on the GCOM website within 30 days of each meeting.
The Treasurer shall:
  1. establish account(s), bank or otherwise, of GCOM, as approved by the Board,
  2. establish procedures for the depositing of funds and the maintenance of GCOM properties,
  3. receive and disburse all funds of GCOM as authorized by the Board of Directors whether authorized individually or as part of a budget,
  4. maintain a record of all financial transactions, make all financial records available to all Board Members, and provide a financial report at every meeting in such detail and form as approved by the Board,
  5. provide additional financial reports as directed by the Board or as required by law.
Proposed additional suggestions:
  • complete all treasury transactions within a 30-day time frame from date of initiation.
Directors at Large
All Officers and Directors at Large shall:
  1. be present at all Board Meetings, discuss present matters and vote their consciences in accordance with the best interests of GCOM.
  2. be responsible for assisting with duties, promotions and tasks to further the causes of GCOM.
Proposed additional suggestions:
  • ALL Board members take a more active role in be responsible for assisting with duties.
  • Responsible for assisting with day-to-day club operations and assisting with event facilitation.