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HomeWhere we play

Join us for gaming throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. Most of our locations can accommodate walk-ins, although you should check the location page before attending. A few locations are smaller and require that you contact the host to reserve a spot.

Many hosts provide some beverages and snacks. Contributions of money or in kind are generally welcome.

Our locations

We currently have locations in:



View all locations

Types of locations

Standard GCOM locations

Standard locations meet regularly and are open to GCOM members and newcomers. A variety of games are played, based on the interests of those who attend, and availability of games.

Limited locations

Limited locations typically have less space for players and sometimes meet less frequently. Since space is at a premium, you must call or email the host in order to be sure there is room for you. Some limited locations have a set of small set of favorite games that they play. 

Locations flyer
Location Map

You should contact the host in advance if you are new to GCOM, or new to a location.

Play with us virtually

GCOM has a Discord server available for people to hang out and look for gamers. If you already are a member of the GCOM Discord server then you can 

Join us on Discord.

If you are not yet a member of the GCOM Discord server

Sign up here

Note that Discord only allows you to socialize. You will need accounts on the various online-boardgaming web sites to play games. Most games are played on

Board Game Arena


Can't find a convenient location? Why not start one yourself?

Start a New Location


Our Game Library

GCOM owns over 300 games in its own member game library. One of the benefits of being a GCOM Patron or Supporting Member is the ability to borrow games from the library free of charge for up to 45 days.

A portion of the Game Library is always present at our major events, Game Days, the Family Picnic, and EuroQuest. If you are interested in borrowing a game, feel free to search through the library using the first link below. If you can't find the game you want, feel free to request it using the second link below.

Search the Library

Request a new game


A wide variety of games are enjoyed


Learning a new game